Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

This text is the outgrowth of the lectures I have delivered to tho postgraduats students in advanced roinforced concrete design

Julia Adams 3 years ago 0 36


It is indeed gratifying to know that the first edition of this book has been found uschal by students, teachers and practising engineers. This has encouraged me to update this book with reference to the very important and currently significant topic of carthquake resistant design of reinforced framed structures.

Since the first publication of this book in 2001, the Indian Standard 1893 (1984) Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures have been revised and published by the Bureau of Indian Standards as IS 1893 (2002), Fifth Revision. This has made it necessary to completely revise Chapter 18 of the first edition to comply with the revised code. This opportunity was taken to review also Chapters 19 and 21 which also deal with earthquake design. A number of minor omissions and errors which had crept into the first edition of the book have also been corrected.

A summary of clementary design of reinforced concrete members has also been added in this edition as Appendix C for a quick evaluation of the approximate quantities of steel required in ordinary buildings. I am sure that this addition will be very useful to structural designers to rapidly check the results of their design calculations and arrive at a quick decision of the necessary steel reinforcements to be used in the construction of reinforced concrete members of ordinary buildings I hope that this book will continue to be useful for all those interested in reinforced
concrete design.

Preface to the First Edition

This text is the outgrowth of the lectures I have delivered to tho postgraduats students in advanced roinforced concrete design. It is a sequel to my first book Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete which has been well received by students, teachers and professionals alike (and is now in its Second Edition). These two books together explain the provisions of JS 456 (2000). Besides, the text analyzes the procedures specified in many other BIs codes such as those on winds, earthquakes, and ductile detailing.

The book also discusses such modern topics as design of shear walls, design of beamcolumn joints, and inelastic analysis of reinforced concreto, An analysis of these topics is so necessary because, during the last two decades, considerable advances have taken place in the theory of design of reinforced concrete members which form the building blocks for design of all specialized reinforced concrete structures, for instance, tall buildings, bridges, and chimneys.

Even though a number of textbooks on advanced reinforced concrete dealing in detail with specialized structures like bridges are available in India, hardly any book, covering the fundamentals of the modern advancements in the theory of reinforced concreie design, can be found. This text strives to address this need. The book is lecture-based, with each chapter discussing only one topic, and an indepth coverage being given to the fundamentals. Such treatment has been found most suitable for self-study and class-room teaching.

Since the book is also addressed to the practising engineers, often the topics have been discussed in greater detail then found necessary for the students. For example, the chapters on decp beams and flat slabs give more information than is covered in IS 456 (2000). Teachers are urged to ortent their courses accordingly. They may restrict their lectures to the necessary fundamentals as required by the prescribed course (emphasis added). But I do believe that the practising engineers will find the detailed analysis very useful.

The book has a number of distinguishing features. Codes of other countries, specially of USA and UK, have been presented and compared with the Indian code to explain the fundamentals and expose the render to international practices. Also, a large number of workedout examples buve been provided to illustrate the theory and to demonstrate their use in practical designs. Finally, a number of typical detailing of reinforced concrete members have been included, which will be found useful in field applications. I fervently hope that both students and professionals will find the text stimulating and useful. Any constructive suggestions for improving the contents will be warınly appreciated.


I wish to acknowledge the help I received from various individuals and institutions for the preparation of this book. I am indebted to Prof. P. Purushothaman, formerly professor of civil engineering, Anna University for helping me in many ways in bringing out this book. He gave me invaluable assistance at various stages of manuscript preparation. I am also thankful to Prof. P.S. Natarajan, who with the assistance of Mrs. Rajeswari Sivaraman helped me immensely in word processing the manuscript.

I am indebted to Anna University and the Vice Chancellor, Dr. A. Kalanidhi for giving me the opportunity to continue as honorary professor of civil engineering at the university. It has been a pleasure to work with the students and my colleagues in the teaching profession. This book is a compilation from various books, notes, codes and other publications. I am indebted to all these authors and publishers; they are too numerous to be mentioned individually Acknowledgement is also due, especially to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for granting me permission to reproduce from their publications. Finally, the Publishers, Prentice-Hall of India, specially the editorial and production team, descrve my sincere appreciation for the great care they have taken in processing the manuscript.


Chapter 1 Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs

  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Short-term Deflection of Beams and Slabs
  • 1.3 Deflection Due to Imposed Loads
  • 1.4 Short-term Deflection of Beams Due to Applied Loads
  • 1.5 Calculation of Deflection By IS 456
  • 1.6 Calculation of Deflection by BS 8110
  • 1.7 Deflection Calculation by Eurocode
  • 1.8 ACI Simplified Method
  • 1.9 Deflection of Continuous Beams by IS 456
  • 1.10 Deflection of Cantilevers
  • 1.11 Deflection of Slabs


Chapter 2 Estimation of Crackwidth in Reinforced Concrete Members

  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 Factors Affecting Crackwidth in Beams
  • 2.3 Mechanism of Flexural Cracking
  • 2.4 Calculation of Crackwidths
  • 2.5 Simple Empirical Method
  • 2.6 Estimation of Crackwidth in Beams by IS 456 and BS 8110
  • 2.7 Shrinkage and Thermal Cracking


Chapter 3 Redistribution of Moments in Reinforced Concrete Beams

  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Redistribution of Moments in a Fixed Beam
  • 3.3 Positions of Points of Contraflexures
  • 3.4 Conditions for Moment Redistribution
  • 3.5 Final Shape of Redistributed Bending Moment Diagram
  • 3.6 Moment Redistribution for a Two-span Continuous Beam
  • 3.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Moment Redistribution
  • 3.8 Modification of Clear Distance between Bars in Beams (for Limiting Crackwidth) with Redistribution
  • 3.9 Moment-Curvature (M-) Relation of Reinforced Concrete Section
  • 3.10 ACI Conditions for Redistribution of Negative Moments
  • 3.11 Conclusion


Chapter 4 Design of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams

  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Minimum Thickness
  • 4.3 Steps of Designing Deep Beams
  • 4.4 Design By IS 456
  • 4.5 Design According to British Practice
  • 4.6 ACI Procedure for Design of Deep Beams
  • 4.7 Checking for Local Failures
  • 4.8 Detailing of Deep Beams


Chapter 5 Design of Ribbed (Voided) Slabs

  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Specification Regarding the Slabs
  • 5.3 Analysis of the Slabs for Moment and Shears
  • 5.4 Ultimate Moment of Resistance
  • 5.5 Design for Shear
  • 5.6 Deflection
  • 5.7 Anangement of Reinforcements
  • 5.8 Corrosion of Steel with Clay Blocks


Chapter 6 Approximate Analysis of Grid Floors

  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Analysis of Flat Grid Floors
  • 6.3 Analysis of Rectangular Grid Floors by Timoshenko’s Plate Theory
  • 6.4 Analysis of Grid by Stiffness Matrix Method
  • 6.5 Analysis of Grid Floors by Equating Joint Deflections
  • 6.6 Comparison of Methods of Analysis
  • 6.7 Detailing of Steel in Flat Grids


Chapter 7 Design Loads Other Than Earthquake Loads

  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Dead Loads
  • 7.3 Imposed Loads (IS 875 Part 2)
  • 7.4 Loads due to Imposed Deformations
  • 7.5 Characteristic Imposed Loads
  • 7.6 Partial Safety Factors for Loads
  • 7.7 Some General Provisions Regarding Live Loads on Structures
  • 7.8 Wind Loads on Structures
  • 7.14 Classification of Wind (Cyclones)
  • 7.15 Importance of Checking for Wind Loads at All Stages of Construction
  • 7.16 Construction Loads
  • 7.17 Joints in Concrete Construction


Chapter 8 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames For Vertical
Londs by Using Substitute Frames

  • 8.1 Introduction
  • 8.2Distribution of Loads from Slabs to supporting Beans
  • 8.3 Other Methods for Distribution of Loads
  • 8.4 Frame Analysis
  • 8.5 Braced and Unbraced Pramos
  • 8.6 Analysis by Substituto Frames
  • 8.7 Analysis by Continuous Deam Simplification
  • 8.8 Use of Sub-frame for Analysis of Vertical Loads
  • 8.9 Procedure for Calculation of (P and M) for Central Columns
  • 8.10 Procedure for Calculation of (P and M) External Columus
  • 8.11 Reduction in Loads on Columns and Deams
  • 8.12 Partial Restraint at Ind-supports
  • 8.13 Analysis of Single-span Portals
  • 8.14 Critical Section for Moment and Shear
  • 8.15 Recommended Procedure
  • 8.16 Formulae to Determine Span Moment


Chapter 9 Analysis of Frames under Horizontal Lands

  • 9.1 Introduction
  • 9.2 Effect of Lateral Loads
  • 9.3 Methods of Analysis
  • 9.4 Portal Method (Method of Proportional Shear)
  • 9.5 Cantilever Method (Method of Proportional Axial Stress)
  • 9.6 Comparison of Results of Analysis
  • 9.7 Analysis of Rigid Frames with Transfer Girders
  • 9.8 Drift Limitation in Very Tal Buildings
  • 9.9 Classification of Structural System for Tall Buildings


Chapter 10 Preliminary Design of Flat Slabs

  • 10.1 Introduction
  • 10.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Flat Slabs
  • 10.3 Historical Development

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Hello there, I am a Civil Engineer. I am also a blogger, I share books, and news of Civil Engineering.

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